Dart - Relational Operators

Dart provides operators that can be used to check the relationship between values or values within variables also known as operands.

All relational operators, less than(<), less than or equal to(<=), greater than(>), greater than and equal to(>=) gives resultant value in boolean i.e either true or false after evaluation.

In this article, you will find Relational operators provided by Dart.

Relational operators

<Less thanx == y
<=Less than or equal tox != y
>Greater thanx == y
>=Greater than or equal tox != y
  • All of these relational operators are binary operators.
  • All these relational operators also follow the general structure of Operand Operator Operand, meaning that an operator is always surrounded by two operands.
  • For example, an expression x >= y is a binary operation, where x and y are two operands and >= is an operator. If value of x is greater than y you will get true as value else false.
main() {
  // create variables
  int a = 10, b = 12;

  // value of a and b
  print('Value of a is $a and b is $b');

  // > operator
  print(a > b); // false

  // < operator
  print(a < b); // true

  // >= operator
  print(a >= b); // false

  // <= operator
  print(a <= b); // true

Hope you like this!

Keep helping and happy 😄 coding

Vishnu Damwala
Vishnu Damwala

A web geek, an industry experienced web developer & tutor/instructor residing in India 🇮🇳